BCCA was founded in 1992 as a certification body for the construction sector.
BCCA strives for quality in the broadest sense of the word, in particular through impartial, independent and expert controls, assessments and monitoring methods.
The services we offer have been developed in close consultation with public authorities and with stakeholders from the sector, paying particular attention to consensus and proportionality. BCCA also provides certification services subjected to rules established on a European or an international level.
In addition to independence and impartiality, we believe that technical expertise, professional ethics and appropriate confidentiality are essential to safeguard the value that all parties attribute to our quality declarations and certificates.
The services provided by BCCA meet all applicable rules and standards. BCCA performs, where accreditation is possible and was obtained, its activities under BELAC accreditation (Belgian Accreditation Organisation). Accreditation confirms the reliability and impartiality of BCCA's activities. Disposing of BELAC Accreditation means that our services respect the international standards (NBN EN ISO/IEC 17065, 17021-1, 17024 and 17020) and are recognized as such. The table below gives an overview of the current state of the accreditations.
BCCA is a notified certification body (notification number 0749) under the European Construction Products Regulation (CPR). This implies that the Belgian FPS Economy notified BCCA to the European Commission as a certification body. This means that manufacturers can rely on us so they can fulfil their obligations concerning the European Construction Products Regulation.