
New training on the agenda !

Calculation of thermal performance of building nodes and mechanical fixings of facades

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BCCA now on video !

Who are we ? What do we do ?

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Activity report 2023

Curious ? To discover now !

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New training on the agenda !

Calculation of thermal performance of building nodes and mechanical fixings of facades

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Training Course U-values 2D - Exterior joinery

BCCA organizes a training course 'U-values 2D' in February 20, 2024. Interested ?

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Happy New Year !

Moving forward to 2024 !

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BCCA organizes a new training

Calculation of thermal performance of building nodes and mechanical fixings of facades

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New BCCA accreditation !

BCCA is now accredited for certification according to the CO2 Performance Ladder

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Activity report 2022

To discover now !

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Publication ATG texts - Foundation piles

A new ATG with certification

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TightVent welcomes BCCA as new partner

For more information

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Training Course U-values 2D - Exterior joinery

BCCA organizes a training course 'U-values 2D' in February 15,2023. Interested ?

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Happy New Year !

Moving forward to 2023 !

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BCCA celebrates its 30th anniversary !

For all details

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Training in U-value calculation – facades

BCCA is organising a training course in ‘U-value calculation for 3D thermal bridges and mechanical fixtures on facades’ on Tuesday 8 November 2022. 

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Pile and micropile design - ATG

Recently, a number of important changes have taken place with regard to the design of piles and micropiles in Belgium.

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BCCA moves to Diegem !

From August 1st we will be reachable in Diegem

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BCCA's eerste CO2-prestatieladder certificaat !

BCCA reikt haar eerste certificaat CO2-Prestatieladder uit aan de firma DEMOCO !

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Activity report 2021

To discover now !

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Job offer

We are looking for inspector(s) for the quality frameworks airtightness, ventilation reporting and site control post-insulation.

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Keymark certification for thermal insulation products

We issue certificates for the voluntary European label confirming conformity with European standards.

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Happy New Year !

BCCA wishes you merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Moving forward to 2022 !

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Evaluation of the energy performance of buildings based on in-situ measurements

Closure of the international research project 'IEA EBC Annex 71' : Closing event & final reports

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United Kingdom Authorities’ announcement

Deadline extended for the use of the CE marking until 1 January 2023

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Activity report 2020

To discover now !

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UKCA versus CE marking

How can BCCA and BUtgb help you?

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Auditor Management Systemen (M/V)

Voor haar certificeringsactiviteiten van managementsystemen zoekt BCCA senior auditors.

Ben je gepassioneerd door kwaliteit, veiligheid, milieu, energie of alle vier tegelijk en heb je ervaring in de bouwsector?

Ontdek ons voorstel zonder vertraging ! 

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BCCA BREXIT information

Since 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom left the EU Single Market and Customs Union. As a result, the United Kingdom will no longer benefit from the principle of free movement of goods in the EU Single Market. What impact for manufacturers?

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De 21ste Isolatiedag

BCCA ondersteunt de 21ste Isolatiedag

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Accreditation - Certification ISO 45001 : 2018

BCCA is proud to announce its accreditation to the ISO 45001 : 2018 standard - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

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Brandgedrag van platte daken, aanpak in de ATG's en voorbeelden

Ontdek alles wat u moet weten over de brandveiligheidseisen voor platte daken.

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Publication of the reports of the EPBD19a project

Publication of the reports of the EPBD19a project on the inspection of ventilation systems

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Activity report 2019

Training in U-value calculation – facades

BCCA npo is organising a training course in ‘U-value calculation for 3D thermal bridges and mechanical fixtures on facades’ on Wednesday 2 September 2020.

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BCCA takes precautions to ensure business continuity (COVID-19)

In light of the recent COVID-19 measures issued by the Belgian government and our important partnership, we want to take the opportunity to reach out to you personally.

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Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation

At the UGent Belgian and French students architecture had a two-day workshop on indoor air quality within the ET’Air project.

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Huge enthusiasm for cavity walls post-insulation: higher comfort and lower energy bills

This morning on Radio 2 in "De Inspecteur": interview over the results of the satisfactory survey carried out by BCCA.

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Happy New Year!

BCCA wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

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AIVC conference in Ghent: BCCA’s Paper on Ventilation Recognised

BCCA’s paper on practical experience with the ventilation inspection scheme in Flanders was mentioned in the summary of the latest AIVC conference in Ghent!

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The new platform for the quality framework Ventilation has been successfully launched. This new application enables a richer reporting of the performances of ventilation system installations. This platform was developed to be intuitive for the ventilation reporter and is better adjusted to a high number of users and files.

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Lydia Peeters performs the 100.000th cavity walls insulation

Cavity wall insulation for existing buildings: 100.000 houses already insulated

On 9th April, the Flemish minister for Energy, Lydia Peeters, executed in Dislen-Stokkem, her home city, the one-hundred-thousandth cavity wall post-insulation in the Flanders. Cavity wall insulation is one of the energy measures promoted by the Flemish government, in particular with a special bonus.

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New website is an informative and practical tool

BCCA is launching its new site today. Not only is it more extensive than the previous version, it also has a fresh new look.

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